Future plans

1. Watch the video and answer this question: What is the video about?

                                    LEARN from Rick Mereki on Vimeo.

2. Grammarhttp://www.ompersonal.com.ar/INTERMEDIATE/unit6/page3.htm

3. Learn vocabulary for this lesson. Fill in the blanks with the missing word.

Before I finish school, I would like to go study ___________ to learn another language and experience another culture. I'm really interested in studying Japanese, so I might ________ a program in Japan. Of course, I need to earn enough money to pay for _________ and living expenses, but I think that I first need to pick up a little of the language and learn something about the ________ so I can adjust quickly to the culture. Such an experience should help me ____________ an understanding of others---the way they live, think, and believe--and this knowledge should help me in my future career.

4. Homework: Search for study abroad programs for an area of the world you'd like to visit and figure out the costs and benefits. Decide which one would suit you best.

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