How things have changed

1. Look up these words and write a sentence using each of them:

to cope :
to push yourself:
to succeed:
to rely:
to be willing to:

mind-set :


2. Watch the video:

3. How did these people use to be? What did they use to think or believe?

4. How things have changed since our childhood until know? Transportation / Clothing / Families / Communication / Music / Education 

Example. Women used to wear dresses all the time.


  1. Boy 1: Apparently the boy number one used to be a little bit childish before to enter at the University, because he sais that he become mature after.

    Boy 2: It seems that the boy used to rely on him self too, about their knowledge. But he is more humble right now in regards to.

    Boy 3: This guy used to rely a lot on his familly, but now he has to cope with his life alone.

    Girl 1: She would rely too on her familly, but she had to trust a little bit more in herself. Also she had to interact with other people.

    Girl 2: This girl used to think how the people must to be or act, but now she understood that she must to be more tolerant.

    Girl 3: Althought she´s shy yet, she thinks that she usedt to be more introvert in the past and she´s willing to do a lot of things that she wouldn´t do before.

  2. Diego León Paniagua...

    Boy 1. Simply, he says that he has matured. I guess he wasn’t mature before coming at college.

    Boy 2. He is a little more humble, since he is in college. Because, he used to think that he was bright.

    Both Girl 1 and Boy 3 used to rely more on their family and friends. Now, they are independent and rely more in themselves. (or ¿¿themself???)

    Girl 2. Before coming to college, she had a mindset about people, but now, it doesn’t worry her.

    Girl 3. She used to very introvert, but now, she has learned to be more outgoing

  3. Verónica Londoño
    Boy 1: he said that he has definitely matured , i think that before of the university he use to be immature

    Boy 2: now he is more humble, He used to think it was all very easy because the thought was bright but but if he wants to succeed he must work hard.

    Boy 3:He used to be dependent person but now he is a very independent person, he must do all on his own

    Girl 1: she used to rely more in her family and friends but now she is independent person

    Girl 2: she has become a lot more accepting of others.

    Girl 3: She used to be introverted but now she is a more outgoing person willing to learn new things

  4. Angela Sánchez G.
    1. He says that he has maturd.
    2. This boy now is a person more humble, he understood that the best way to succeed is to work hard and be humble.
    3. He now is more independent and he does things for himself.
    4. Before she used to rely more of her family and friends, now she has to rely on herself and she is more outgoing.
    5. She now accepts the way of being of others persons.
    6. She is willing to discover new things and she is more outgoing, she has to rely on her capabilities. Before she was introvert.

  5. 1. He used to be very young in their behavior, he is more mature now.
    2. He used to be very bright (in his mind), since he arrived at college he is more humble.
    3. He used to be very dependent, he is a very person independent now.
    4. She used to rely on her family and friends, she is more open to the people now.
    5. She used to have a mindset of how people at college should be, now, she is a person a lot more accepting with the others.
    6. She used to be a very person introverted or shy, now, she is a person more outgoing.

    Liney Fuentes
